輕鬆一下:一個八歲的愛爾蘭小女孩 要把學校跟老師炸了 天呀!!




動機卻好可怕 好鎮定

還問是爆破公司 還是搞笑公司呢 這句話超有趣的


這是真的 還是找人演的呀


八歲小女孩耶 格友相信嗎?

以下內容是3/14追加的 呵呵~~果然是....

找到youtube評論裡的這段話(這是廣播節目刻意安排的,網路搜尋Becky Barry可以找的到)
以(Becky Barry)搜尋Google查查看這個惡作劇電話是真是假 找到下列資訊

哈哈~~找到囉 補上其他內容給格友參考

Something About Becky 

from the blog of Simon Jones

Otherwise known as nine year old Rebecca Barry from Dublin, 'Little Becky' has been entertaining listeners to Dublins's 98FM breakfast show for some time. She was discovered by the shows hosts Dermot Whelan and Dave Moore when she was just 5 years old and singing at her Dad's office Christmas party next door to the radio station. The pair invited Becky to sing on their Christmas show ever since.

But it's the prank calls that have proved to be the biggest hit with listeners not just in Dublin, Ireland, but as far away as Australia and Canada. Of the 200 or so calls she has made the few that have found their way to the internet have been downloaded from countries right across the globe, shared by email, instant messaging, and bluetooth enabled mobile phones.
Becky's most hilarious prank call was when she called a demolition company to request them to demolish her school. She asked for the top-boss (who luckily played along) for a wrecking ball, ball park estimates... etc. And of course requested that the all her teachers be in the buildings when they blow up the school.

Bwahahahahahaha!!! It almost cost me my job.
這是其他的Prank Call啦


Little Becky Calls the Zoo and Ask to Buy and Elephant

Little Becky Tries to Sell Her Mom's Spare Tire

Becky Plays a Phone Call Joke on a Comedian

Becky Tries to Do Something About Her Lazy Father 

Little Becky Tries to Get on Big Brother



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